Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Online Network Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online Network Marketing - Essay Example In other words, it is an online community of sellers and buyers. By the year 2006, slightly more than a billion people were able to access internet throughout the world. This is the results of a survey conducted by Internet World Stats in that year (Nichols: 2007). What this means is that there is a potential market online of a billion people. This is a large pool of people who can buy or sell a product or service. It is not surprising then why there is an increase in the number of people who are establishing online network marketing businesses. The services and goods marketed online include education, consumer goods like drugs, and vehicles amongst others. This article is going to look critically at the online technologies that are used to build online network marketing. This network marketing is geared towards building online communities and promoting goods and services online. The broad objective of this study is to critically analyze of online network marketing for community building and business promotion. To this end, the study will be guided by several specific objectives: As indicated earlier, more than a billion people around the world were already online by the year 2006 (Nichols: 2007). This number has continued to grow over the years, and it will not be far fetched right now to say that internet usage will hit the two billion mark by the end of 2010 (Foucault: 2009). This translates to a market of two billion people out there. People access the internet for several purposes; there are those who use it for communication, as a form of social media. These are the ones who use emails and social networks like Facebook and Twitter (Wilson: 2009). When selling or promoting products and services online, most people first recruits sales representatives and agents online (Bashir: 2009). The advantage of online networking is that the sales representatives can be recruited from anywhere in the world, unlike the traditional offline networking where they have to come from a certain geographical location. These agents are then encouraged to recruit others. The commission accrued by these agents reduces as one goes down the ladder, with the owner of the organization getting the lion's share. These agents are the ones who are in charge of selling the particular service or product that the company deals with. They recruit a consumer base, still online. The agents and the producer forms what is called a virtual organization (Irwin: 2007). The consumers, together with the virtual organization, forms the online community that is brought together by the particular good or service that is been sold. In order to create this community, promotion is needed. The producer creates his presence on the internet. This he can do by creating his own website domain. He then goes ahead and recruits the agents, who access his domain for details. These agents then use several means to recruit consumers. They may advertise their services and products on other sites related to their line of business. When the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Regional Integration Essay Example for Free

Regional Integration Essay The Pacific Forum region seeks a region of peace, harmony security, and economic prosperity. The diversity of its peoples seek value, honor in their cultures. The Pacific Region’s objectives include obtaining respect for its governance, sustainable management of its resources and its democratic values. The partnerships with their neighbors, to improve communications and secure a sustainable economy for all are the primary objectives for its members. Established in Bangkok, Thailand on August 8, 1967 the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) was founded by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. ASEAN is now comprised of 10 members including Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (ASEAN, 2013). An important and landmark agreement that ASEAN entered into was the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The region in which the ASEAN- China Free Trade Agreement will reach is about 1. 9 billion people. This agreement will surely test not only the members of ASEAN, but China as well. The region in which the ASEAN- China Free Trade Agreement will reach is about 1. 9 billion people. This agreement will surely test not only the members of ASEAN, but China as well (ASEAN, 2013). Positive Influence of the Asean-China Free Trade Agreement January 10, 2010 marked a ten year negotiation with China, when the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Agreement became effective. Tariff reductions between China and six ASEAN members Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, will experience more than a 90 percent of products with a drop to near zero in both parties’ tariffs. The agreement was established with the idea that ASEAN countries’ natural resources and China’s large market would both benefit (Shamsi, 2010). Countries like Cambodia and Laos will benefit from the ASEAN-China agreement with zero tariffs on over 7000 goods from China, which will benefit these under developed countries tremendously. Less developed countries especially those with no stock market system will welcome this agreement and benefit greatly (Shamsi, 2010). The ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement is China’s first free trade agreement and the first negotiated agreement ASEAN has been involved in with another country. The importance of this agreement will be seen when ASEAN nations being to use China’s currency Yuan. This can drive China’s Yuan to become a major global trading currency. This agreement is important in the movement for the regional economic environment (Shamsi, 2010). Negative Impact of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement The economic head of ASEAN is Indonesia. The idea of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement is not beneficial to ASEAN countries and should be re-considered. Indonesia has pointed out that the economy of China has recently increased and become powerful in global terms. The exemption from custom duties for Chinese goods ill challenges the local business survival with an influx of less expensive Chinese goods (Shamsi, 2010). Bankruptcy is a real possibility for industrial areas in the small and medium sized zones according to the chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association. The automotive industry in Malaysia is also wary of this agreement in that the impact on local auto industries could be hit hard. The view from many ASEAN members is that the agreement much more benefits China than the ASEAN countries. China in size alone has a large market for domestic consumption and ability to export on a grander scale than that of ASEAN countries (Shamsi, 2010). The overall feelings in most ASEAN countries are that of mixes feelings, but mostly worry concerning the agreement. The population of China with 1. 3 billion people compared to the 600 million combined of ASEAN region is notable differences in terms of markets. The concept that took ten years to come to light, seems that with the changes seen in the economy of China, that the agreement still has the same fruitful benefits initially anticipated (Shamsi, 2010).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Oconto, WI vs. Las Vegas, NV :: essays research papers

Oconto, WI vs. Las Vegas, NV   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I currently live in Oconto, WI, but would love to go to Las Vegas, NV. Therefore, I am going to compare these two very different cities in terms of economics. There is great variation in the comparison between Oconto, WI and Las Vegas, NV. Oconto is located in Oconto County and Las Vegas is located in Clark County. Las Vegas has an elevation of 2000 feet, while Oconto is only 591 feet. Oconto has a land area of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6.9 square miles, compared to Las Vegas with 113.3 square miles. Also Oconto has only one zip code, but Las Vegas has 36. The population of Oconto, Wisconsin was estimated at 4,751 in July of 2002. Compare this to the estimated population in July 2002 for Las Vegas at 508,604 people. Males made up 48.0% of Oconto’s population at 2,259 and females made up the other 52.0% at 2,449. However, males made up 50.8% of the population in Las Vegas at 243,077 and females made up the remaining 49.2% at 235,357 people. The median resident age for Oconto is 36.9 years. This is fairly close to that of Las Vegas at 34.5 years. Oconto had a median household income of $34,589 in 2000. Again Las Vegas had a fairly close number of $44,069 which was also in 2000. A big difference comes in the median house value between the two cities. Oconto has a value of $69,800 which was in 2000. However, Las Vegas had a value of $137,300 in 2000. The race breakdown between the two cities is also very different. The majority of Oconto is made up of the White Non-Hispanic race at 97.3% of the population. Following are the minorities in Oconto of American Indian at 1.2%, two or more races at 0.9% and Hispanic at 0.8%. By looking at this data it is easy to see that Oconto is not a very culturally diverse town. The majority of Las Vegas is also made up of White Non-Hispanic people at 58.0%. This is considerably lower than Oconto and Las Vegas is made up of many more races than Oconto. Following are the minorities in Las Vegas of Hispanic at 23.6%, Black at 10.4%, other races at 9.7%, two or more races at 4.1%, Filipino at 2.3%, American Indian at 1.5%, Chinese at 0.6%, Other Asian at 0.6%, and Japanese at 0.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Domestic Violence Against Women in Canada Essay -- Violence Against Wom

Introduction Intimate partner violence has been a significant issue for centuries in all countries. "Since 1974, nearly 2,600 spousal homicides have been recorded in Canada" (Bunge, 2002). Of these homicides, more than three-quarters have been against women. Although through feminism and the women's liberation movement, there has been a slight improvement in the incidences of violence against women, there has also been a drastic change in the perception of the issue by society. After reviewing the most recent literature on violence against women and victimization through intimate partners, it has become prevalent that there are now two crucial stances that are taken. The first position is that of the women being victimized as the main issue, including prevention, causes and incidences. The second position is that of women becoming more 'aggressive' and the issue of violence against both men and women. "Wife battering- the original problem constituted by the 1970s feminists- has morphed in to 'domestic violence' and then into 'husband abuse'" (Minaker, 2006). This literature review will examine the background information on intimate partner violence including different arguments and perspectives, theories, and methodologies as well as discuss the major findings and future directions of research. Background Discoveries and Key Concepts The most notable discovery or key concept behind intimate partner violence with women as victims, would be that the overall rates have seen a general decrease. As found in the National Trends in Intimate Partner Homicide report, "Spousal homicide rates for both women and men have declined between 1974 and 2000" (Bunge, 2002). Many of the authors discussed present different perspecti... ...nd incidence of such violence, there still seems to be gaps amongst the research that creates links to other aspects of IPV. By providing a further analysis of how women go from being the victim to the offender, it may create a more realistic understanding of why the recent intimate partner homicide/violence rates for women offenders has increased. Perhaps society needs to not see females as become more serious 'aggressors' and 'bad girls' but rather as women who are finally fighting back. By relating the social learning theory, the self defense theory as well as the male proprietariness theory to intimate partner violence it creates a more thorough understanding of the causes and affects of this form of violence. Conceivably, future directions of research on intimate partner violence should investigate the reasoning behind this new 'husband abuse' phenomenon.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Human Activities Negatively Affect the Ecosystem Essay

In various ecosystems, negative changes have been seen as consequences of human activities. Specifically, these various activities of people have been observed to contribute directly and indirectly to the negative changes and implications in one of the major ecosystems, the marine ecosystem. This paper suggests that many of the human activities employed in the environment, specifically the marine ecosystem, yield multiplicative detrimental effects. It is said that humans have a high influence over ecosystems, and the various activities they make alter the environment’s conditions (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2003). According to Hylland (2002), there are many different perspectives that could affirm the impact of human activities towards nature. However, in purely simplistic illustrations, human activities that involve physical disturbance, release of harmful chemicals, and other destructive forms cause serious effects such as a reduced biodiversity. Physical disturbances such as trawling, large scale fishing, or coastal construction prevent fish and other marine species from staying in their original habitat. This means that these marine fauna are displaced from their habitat which may have been destroyed or changed beyond recovery by drastic fishing activities made by man. Similarly, the marine ecosystem may not only be lessened because of the displaced marine organisms, but it is also possible that an eventual decrease in the population level of these organisms may happen. This could trigger to a relatively damaging human activity wherein humans will aim for the fish nearer the coastal areas. Under many legislation proceedings, fishing near the coastal areas is prohibited because the act will strip the number of fish and other marine species into a minimal number. Over-fishing could as well cause the decrease in the biodiversity of marine animals (Hylland, 2002). The use of chemicals in fishing could also destroy not only the marine species but also their habitat and where eventually, humans will also be affected. This is a chain-like series of events that could lead into a negative effect, destruction even, among marine biological ecosystems. Cyanide and other dynamite fishing are often used by fishermen as an easier method of fishing that kill even the smaller fish. If these methods continue, the marine species will no longer be sustained. The chemical by products from these methods also destroy their natural ecosystem by contaminating changes that are harmful to the lives of these species. Similarly, there are instances where pollutants and toxic materials from pesticides go as water run-off from residential and agricultural areas toward the seas and other water forms, thereby contaminating the seas and the living organisms in it with the toxic substances (Hylland, 2002). Another major implication that is currently of relevance is the aftereffect of negative human activities that characterize an indirect implication: climate change. Because of the ensuing pollution, forest denudation and other factors, climate change and global warming have been relatively causing damage. These have negative effects as well on the marine ecosystems as the seas are heating up, thereby changing the distribution of species (Hylland, 2002). Conclusively, it must be noted that many various human endeavors have multiplicative detrimental effects to many ecosystems, specifically the marine ecosystem. As mentioned, the negative effects do not only encompass the destruction of the marine ecosystems but also the biodiversity of the marine species. When the habitats are destroyed, the number of marine organisms decreases, therefore catapulting to unsustainability in the ecological balance. This goes to show that every human activity that has negative impacts will be felt multiplicatively through direct and indirect measures. References Hylland, K. (2002, February). How [Do] Human Activities Affect Marine Biodiversity And Ecosystem Processes? Paper presented at the The EC IMPACTS Cluster First Workshop. Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau cedex, France. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from http://web. univ-pau. fr/impacts/Theme2part1. pdf. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2003). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: A Framework for Assessment. Washington DC: Island Press.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Say In Other Words in Spanish

How to Say In Other Words in Spanish In everyday conversation, it is common to rephrase what we say, perhaps to add a nuance of meaning, perhaps to make ourselves easier to understand. When doing so, we often use a phrase such as in other words, to put it another way or, more formally, that is to say. Similar phrases are used in Spanish. Here are five of the common ones along with examples of their use: 5 Common In Other Words Phrases en otros tà ©rminos En otros tà ©rminos, cesà ³ la controversia. (In other words, the controversy ended.) La relacià ³n entre la generacià ³n adulta mayor y los nià ±os - o, en otros tà ©rminos, entre abuelos y nietos - siempre constituyà ³ para Lila Villalba un tema especial en su vida profesional. (The relationship between the older adult generation and the children - or, in other words, between grandparents and grandchildren - always was a special subject in the professional life of Lila Villalba.) dicho de otra manera O dicho de otra manera, piensan que la muerte sà ³lo conduce a la nada. (Or, in other words, they think that death leads only to nothingness.) Dicho de otra manera, si la distancia aumenta 2 veces, la fuerza aumenta 2 veces. (Said another way, if the distance doubles, the force doubles.) en otras palabras En otras palabras la fuente no tiene que estar instalada para que el usuario vea correctamente el archivo. (In other words, the source does not have to be installed for the user to correctly see the file.) Creo en otras palabras que lo que Lula intentar hacer es modernizar el paà ­s. (I believe, in other words, that what Lula will try to do is modernize the country.) es decir Quien controla el agua controla la vida, es decir el poder. (The one who controls the water controls life, that is to say, controls the power.) El Homo sapiens sapiens - es decir, nosotros - surgià ³ de la cadena evolutiva hace tan sà ³lo unos 45 mil aà ±os. (Homo sapiens sapiens - that means us - sprung forth from the evolutionary chain only some 45,000 years ago.) o sea Và ©ase el FAQ, o sea, las preguntas ms usuales). (See the FAQ, that is to say, the most frequently asked questions.) El capitalismo es un sistema social, o sea una forma como en una sociedad estn organizadas las cosas y las personas. (Capitalism is a social system, meaning a way in which things and people are organized in a society.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Show Gratitude and Say Thank You to a Teacher

How to Show Gratitude and Say Thank You to a Teacher Most teachers do not receive the admiration and respect that they deserve. Many of them work extremely hard, dedicating their lives to educating youth. They do not do it for the paycheck; they do not do it for the praise. Instead, they teach because they want to make a difference. They enjoy putting their stamp on a child whom they believe will grow up and make a significant difference in the world. Why Show Gratitude Teachers have likely impacted their students in more ways than most people understand. Most adults have had teachers who have inspired them in some manner to be a better person. So, teachers deserve praise. Its important to say thank you to teachers as often as possible. Teachers love to feel appreciated. It makes them confident, which makes them better. Parents and students can have a hand in this. Take the time to show your gratitude and say thank you to your teachers and make them feel appreciated.   25 Ways to Thank a Teacher These 25 suggestions provide a way of showing teachers, past  and  present, that you care. They are in no particular order, but some are more practical if you are currently a student and others will work better if you are an adult, and no longer in school. You will need to seek permission from or interact with the school principal for a few of these ideas. Give teachers an apple. Yes, this is clichà ©, but they will appreciate this simple gesture because you took the time to do it.Tell them that you appreciate them. Words are powerful. Let your teachers know what you love about them and their class.Give them a gift card. Find out what their favorite restaurant or place to shop is and get them a gift card to indulge.  Bring them their favorite candy/soda. Pay attention to what they drink/snack on in class and keep them supplied periodically.Send them an email. It does not have to be a novel, but tell them how much you appreciate them or let them know what kind of impact they have made on your life.Send them flowers. This is a terrific way to say thank you to a female teacher. Flowers will always put a smile on a teachers face.Do something memorable for their birthday whether it is giving them a cake, having the class sing happy birthday or getting them a special gift. Birthdays are momentous days that should be recognized.Write them a note. Keep it simple and let them know just how much they mean to you. Stay late and help them get organized for the next day. Teachers have plenty to do after students leave for the day. Offer to help straighten their room, empty trash, make copies or run errands.Mow their lawn. Tell them that you would like to do something special to show your appreciation and ask them if it would be OK to come over and mow their lawn.Give them tickets. Teachers love to get out and have a good time. Buy them tickets to see the newest movie, their favorite sports team or a ballet/opera/musical.Donate money toward their classroom. Teachers spend a lot of their own money on classroom supplies. Give them some cash to help ease this burden.Volunteer to cover a duty. This is a fabulous way for parents to say thank you. In general, teachers are not excited about covering duties, such as acting as the scorekeeper at a game or chaperoning a prom, so they will be extra excited when you do. Ask the principal first if it is OK.Buy them lunch. Teachers get tired of eating cafeteri a food or bringing their lunch. Surprise them with a pizza or something from their favorite restaurant. Be an exemplary student. Sometimes this is the best way to say thank you. Teachers appreciate students who are never in trouble, enjoy being at school and are excited to learn.Buy them a Christmas present. It does not have to be elegant or expensive. Your teacher will appreciate anything that you get her.Volunteer. Most teachers will appreciate the extra help. Let them know that you are willing to help in any area that you may be needed. Elementary school teachers will especially appreciate this help.Bring donuts. What teacher does not love donuts? This will provide an excellent, tasty start to any teacher’s day.Contact them when they are sick. Teachers get sick too. Check on them via email or social media or text and let them know you hope they get well soon. Ask them if they need anything. They will appreciate that you took the time to check on them.Post on social media. If your child’s teacher has a Facebook account, for example, let him know how much you appreciate all the things he does. Be a supportive parent. Knowing that she has tremendous parental support makes a teacher’s job much easier. Backing a teachers decisions is an excellent way to show your appreciation.Tell the principal how much you appreciate your teacher. The principal  evaluates teachers  regularly, and this type of positive feedback can factor into evaluations.Give them a hug or shake their hand. Sometimes this simple gesture can speak volumes in showing your appreciation. Be cautious when giving a hug that it is appropriate.Send them a graduation invite. Let your teachers know when you have reached a milestone such as graduating high school and/or college. They played a role in getting you there, and including them in this celebration will let them know just how much they meant to you.Do something with your life. Nothing says thank you like being a success. Teachers want the best for every student that they teach. When you are successful, they are successful because they know they had some influence on you for at least nine months of your life.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes Essays

Setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes Essays Setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes Essay Setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes Essay Novel: Something Wicked This Way Comes Setting Question In Something Wicked This Way Comes, Bradbury sets the story in Green Town, Illinois around the time of Halloween. At the beginning of the novel, a lightning rod salesman comes to town trying to sell the boys a lightning rod for a storm that is approaching. However, the weather that evening was calm. Compare/Contrast the mood before the carnival came and after the carnival and describe the setting for each. Answer * Both the mood before and after the carnival wasnt bad. In the beginning, Green Town is calm and had a slight breeze that blew warm, then cool (p. 13). At the end, Will, Jim, and Mr. Halloway are celebrating that the whole carnival situation is over. ?The setting in the beginning of the novel is calm as described on p. 13: So it was on that night that blew warm, then cool, as they let the wind take them downtown at eight oclock. They felt the wings of their fingers and elbows flying, then, suddenly plunged in new sweeps of air, the clear autumn river flung them headlong where they must go. The setting at the end of the novel is happy as stated on p. 290: Today was just another day in October in a year suddenly better than anyone supposed is could ever be just a short hour ago, with the moon and the stars moving in a grand rotation toward inevitable damn, and then loping, and the last of this nights weeping done, and Will laughing and singing and Jim giving answer line by line, as they breasted the waves of dry stubble toward a town where they might live another few years across from each other. * The mood in the beginning was full of suspense and the mood after the carnival was uplifting. The mood in the beginning is full of suspense as Will is going home at night: It seemed when the first stroke if nine banged from the big courthouse clock all the lights were on and business humming in the shops. But by the time the last stroke on nine shook everyones fillings in his teeth, the barbers had yanked off the sheets, powdered the customers, trotter them forth; the druggists fount had stopped fizzing like a nest of nakes, the insect neons everywhere had ceased buzzing, and the vast glittering acreage of the dime store with its ten billion metal, glass and paper oddments waiting to be fished over, suddenly blacked out. Shades slithered, doors boomed, keys rattled their bones in locks, people fled with hordes of torn newspaper mice nibbling their heels. (p. 20) The mood at the end is uplifting when it is all over: But, running even with the boys, the middle-aged man reached out. Will slapped, Jim slapped, Dad slapped the semaphore signal base at the same instant. Exultant, they banged a trio of shouts down the wind.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tourism websites analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Tourism websites analysis - Research Paper Example The report also reflects the structure of marketing objectives, is prepared under the accrual, and outputs framework. Yours sincerely, Name: Executive summary The introductory part of this study shows the need for having marketing research. This is through analysis of tourism websites showing that taking a marketing research is necessary in order to formulate decisions and strategies for business success. In carrying out a marketing research, there is need to develop skills needed in seeking information about the market and marketing issues. This helps in assessing quality of information linking it with the business goal to make it stronger. It is also necessary to understand the competitive environment as it helps in seizing market opportunities in places where they exist making the market productive. The analysis shows that every business is analysed by the factors that affect its functions and these factors attribute for the success or failure of the business. In conclusion, hotel s are valued as a strategic community partner due to its mission of enabling people to save money to better their lives. Table of contents Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 Background to the problem †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. ... †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 15 Limitation & Future research †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦18   Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 20 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 21 Introduction Marketing in every industry involves change, as change is inevitable in every business practices, as business people believe that change is able to maintain a competitive position. Hiatt (2010) describes that change is an essential factor to consider for surviving in today’s market. Organisational change involves adding new people or modifying programs it also include change in mission and restructuring operations such as restructuring self managed teams or layoffs, improved new technologies and mergers. Change occurs not for any reason but to accomplish an overall goal and it is usually provoked by outside driving force such as addressing new markets or need for dramatic increases in productivity. The above study shows the impact of marketing in the tourism industry. The study will also show how organizations and among employees undertake the role of human resource in managing change. A review of tourism websites shows that taking a marketing research is necessary in order to formulate decisions and strategies for business success. In carrying out a marketing research, there is need to develop skills needed in seeking information about the market and marketing issues. This helps in assessing quality of information linking it with the business goal to make it stronger. It is also necessary to understand the competitive environment as it helps in seizing market opportunities in places where they exist making the market productive. Companies having the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Upper and Lower Class Neighborhoods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Upper and Lower Class Neighborhoods - Essay Example This gap has contributed to the several social classes that exist in the present communities. Affluent neighborhoods have several differences and similarities from the lower class neighborhoods (Cubbin, 2008). The difference between the upper class neighborhoods and the lower class result due to better facilities, resources, and services. Because of these differences, the gap between the two keeps widening. The upper class lives in secure neighborhoods, and has access to the best facilities and public services. On the contrary, the lower class lacks access to basic public services. The upper class neighborhoods have a markedly high access to recreational areas and parks. The people inhabiting these regions live in luxurious houses and in close proximity are all sorts of recreational places. There are sporting fields and clubs, gymnasiums, saunas, swimming pools and clubs in upper class regions. For example, golf clubs exist in rich suburbs and golf fans are affluent people. In addition, the rich enjoy frequent visits to parks and gardens and get an opportunity to relax and focus on nature and themselves. On the other hand, the lower class lacks access to such luxurious recreational facilities and parks. These are not available in their neighborhoods and even if they were, it would be too costly to access them. Their income does not allow them to stretch to these recreational facilities. Recreational facilities available in the lower class neighborhoods are small, overcrowded and do not meet the standards of the rich. There exists a concern on the huge differenc e between the school programs in the upper class regions and the lower class neighborhoods. Children born to the affluent enjoy an inclusive and all round education system. In their neighborhoods, schools offer the best as long as their parents can pay. In the upper class neighborhoods, the expected teacher student ratios exist. The school program is usually more accommodating and students receive considerable attention from their teachers. Integrated into the system are recreational subjects that diversify the options available to the affluent students. These schools have the capacity and resources required to nurture the young minds to become reliable independent individuals. These students enjoy quality education. On the other hand, school programs in the lower class regions do not meet the international education standards. There are too many students and fewer teachers. These schools lack adequate facilities that would enable the children to have access to quality education. Ch ildren sent to these schools have to struggle to excel. In the upper class neighborhoods, children have access to equipped local and international libraries. These libraries expose the children to a broad variety of reading materials. Children in these regions can do their research without much strain. On the other hand, it is saddening to realize that children in the lower class neighborhoods lack access to reading material. There are fewer libraries, which apparently do meet quality standards, and the reading material available is not diverse to address the varying needs of the students. In affluent neighborhoods, there are luxurious and classy restaurants where the rich have access to exotic, modern, and traditional dishes and a wide variety of drinks. In these restaurants, prices of food and drinks only favor the rich. These restaurants practice the most current code

Mainly Othello(Shakespeare) with comparison from Medea(Euripides)- Essay

Mainly Othello(Shakespeare) with comparison from Medea(Euripides)- Drama as Literature class - Essay Example speare in his play as we watch Lago and Roderigo complaining to Brabanzio that his daughter has been not only been stolen but also married to Othello. It is through his efforts that Brabanzio finally discovers that truly his daughter has been married to Othello, an act that is totally against his wishes for his daughter. Once more, Shakespeare is displaying how far characters in the play are attempting to go far in mixing issues of love with heroism in their respective lives. Brabanzio further gets officers to find Othello and bring him to his attention. Brabanzio is putting his efforts to using his fame and recognition in the society so as to report Othello to the Senate in connection with his missing daughter. It is for the very first time that the play allows the viewer to have love being handled single handedly without any connection to fame and heroism. The senate is not at all interested in judging the matter from the heroic point of view of Brabanzio but offers Othello some sympathy by allowing him a chance to clarify himself. It is at this point that Othello is given a very fair chance to explain himself before the Senate. It becomes very clear before everyone that Othello did not steal away Desdemona using witchcraft as the father has reported but used his heroic stories in the military to woo her into marriage. Desdemona also enters the room at this particular point and confirms that her loyalty is now totally to her husband and not her father. The Senate is surely convinced about this point of view that is being expressed by Othello (Shakespeare 11). It is although brought towards the attention of the viewer that Othello too used his military heroism to capture the love of Desdemona. At this point, it is for the very first time that love and heroism are being mixed and the product being a successful one. Othello has succeeded in pursuing his love by the use of the heroism that he has gotten from his military operations. Just as it was the case with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thinking Blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thinking Blues - Essay Example This ‘first encounter’ as he calls it and the many that followed brought on the realization that there was a palpable tension between the author and other nighttime pedestrians especially women just because he was black. He became ‘thoroughly familiar’ with ‘the language of fear’ within a year of his coming to Chicago. He learned to expect car-drivers stopped at traffic lights to hurriedly lock their car doors as he crossed in front of their cars on dark, lonely intersections. He learned to deal with pedestrians preferring to cross to other side of the street rather than have to pass him. He suffered ‘unpleasantries’ with people like policemen, bouncers etc whose job it is to keep troublemakers at bay. To keep his peace of mind the author has learned to control his anger at being mistaken for a criminal every now and then. In actual fact he makes it a point to make elaborate gestures of being peaceful and on the right side of the law likening his various ways of assuring his ‘victims’ to the cowbell worn by hikers in bear country. Through his essay the writer brings forth very clearly the dilemma and dangers that are faced in public spaces in urban America by black men who do not conform to the stereotype of being themselves dangerous or outside the law. Black Men and Public Space, by Brent Staples is an essay that illustrates the above thesis very poignantly. His hurt more than indignation at being perceived as dangerous simply because he was big, burly and black is palpable through out the essay. The essay begins with the words, â€Å"My first victim was a woman- white†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . (Staples, para1) In actual fact, it is the author himself who was victimized. Soon after he arrived in Chicago as a young graduate who by his own admission was timid, a ‘softy’, a ‘good boy’ and one who ‘doubted the virtues of intimidation’ got wrongly suspected of being a mugger

Operations Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operations Management - Coursework Example Each unit has different departments and numerous products are manufactured for sale in local market. The different departments is responsible for a specialist function or process such as storing, processing, manufacturing, packaging, shipping. Human resources are well trained but follow as routine procedure as per the nature of the process and the management is conservative of organizational change and sceptical of new technology. The primary problem here is that different processes are supported computer systems even though there are standard processes throughout the group which has resulted in unnecessary costs. An enterprise resource planning (ERP) IT system is best suited here as it will lead to single universal IT system that can be used across departments and units in the organization resulting improved efficiency of all units and cost savings. Marketing Based out of the headquarters, marketing has small teams consisting of 2 or 3 staff members in all countries that it operates . Staffs very flexible roles and have a hybrid function of both selling and marketing. The number of people is very high and spread throughout the organization. Marketers are mainly oriented towards the external environment and the internal functions are accomplished by using simple databases and spreadsheets. No system has been employed right now which makes it possible for them to share crucial information with respect to their research with other units. Each marketing department is functioning as though it is independent of the other marketing departments in different units. Marketing teams have a casual approach towards technology and changes. There are open to technology that is external and customer focused rather than those that internal and process focused. A knowledge management IT system would ideal as it would create a central depository which can be used to share market knowledge across units. Also an ERP would help in managing of internal processes. Research The structu ring of research teams is similar to marketing with a large centre at the headquarters and smaller centre spread across the world at different locations. The centres work independently of each other and researcher get associated with other projects only when the management wants to. There is no central-instantaneous knowledge sharing system available for the centre. The matrix management style is employed occasionally and there are only few researches that worked different projects from different centres. This has created a problem of collusion as some products are created again which are already present in other centre. The need of the hour is an effective knowledge management system that will facilitate effective use of information and optimisation of work process. ii. Benefits of Proposed Initiatives on Functions Benefits of Implementing ERP system for Manufacturing: There are numerous benefits of implementing an enterprise resources planning system for manufacturing. Synchronici ty is greatly increased which keeps everyone involved in the manufacturing process looking at the same real-time data. Everybody is on the same page with respect to information through the company. It reduces the number of times data needs to be inputted and hence reduces the chances of error. In fact, data needs to be inputted only once. ERP becomes a single integrates system that would replace numerous individual systems and hence

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thinking Blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thinking Blues - Essay Example This ‘first encounter’ as he calls it and the many that followed brought on the realization that there was a palpable tension between the author and other nighttime pedestrians especially women just because he was black. He became ‘thoroughly familiar’ with ‘the language of fear’ within a year of his coming to Chicago. He learned to expect car-drivers stopped at traffic lights to hurriedly lock their car doors as he crossed in front of their cars on dark, lonely intersections. He learned to deal with pedestrians preferring to cross to other side of the street rather than have to pass him. He suffered ‘unpleasantries’ with people like policemen, bouncers etc whose job it is to keep troublemakers at bay. To keep his peace of mind the author has learned to control his anger at being mistaken for a criminal every now and then. In actual fact he makes it a point to make elaborate gestures of being peaceful and on the right side of the law likening his various ways of assuring his ‘victims’ to the cowbell worn by hikers in bear country. Through his essay the writer brings forth very clearly the dilemma and dangers that are faced in public spaces in urban America by black men who do not conform to the stereotype of being themselves dangerous or outside the law. Black Men and Public Space, by Brent Staples is an essay that illustrates the above thesis very poignantly. His hurt more than indignation at being perceived as dangerous simply because he was big, burly and black is palpable through out the essay. The essay begins with the words, â€Å"My first victim was a woman- white†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . (Staples, para1) In actual fact, it is the author himself who was victimized. Soon after he arrived in Chicago as a young graduate who by his own admission was timid, a ‘softy’, a ‘good boy’ and one who ‘doubted the virtues of intimidation’ got wrongly suspected of being a mugger

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DAG in Nephron Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DAG in Nephron - Research Paper Example pathway that can be activated by many of the metabolic and hemodynamic factors involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy† (Schrijvers, Vriese & Flyvbjerg, 971).   1) Bertorello, Alejandro M., â€Å"Diacylglycerol activation of protein kinase C results in a dual effect on Na + ,K -ATPase activity from intact renal proximal tubule cells†, Journal of Cell Science, (1992) 101, 343-347, September 4, 2010 from: 2) Cerbon, Jorge & Rosa del Carmen Lopez-Sanchez, â€Å"Diacylglycerol generated during sphingomyelin synthesis is involved in protein kinase C activation and cell proliferation in Madin–Darby canine kidney cells†, Biochemistry Journal, (2003) 373, 917-924, September 4, 2012 from: 4) Jung, Kwang-Mook et al, â€Å"Diacylglycerol Lipase-ÃŽ ± and -ÃŽ ² Control Neurite Outgrowth in Neuro-2a Cells through Distinct Molecular Mechanisms†, Molecular Pharmacology, (2011) 80.1, 60-67, September 4, 2010 from: 5) Nogaroli, Luciana et al, â€Å"Diacylglycerol kinase activity in puriï ¬ ed basolateral membranes of kidney tubules I. Evidence for coupling with phospholipase C†, The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, (2005) 37, 79-90, September 4, 2010 from: 6) Schrijvers, Bieke F., Vriese, An S. De & Allan Flyvbjerg, From Hyperglycemia to Diabetic Kidney Disease: The Role of Metabolic, Hemodynamic, Intracellular Factors and Growth Factors/Cytokines, The Endocrine Society, (2004) 25.6, 971, September 4, 2012 from:

Happy Feelings Essay Example for Free

Happy Feelings Essay Happiness is something that does normally come to everyone in one way shape or form. Happiness is not something that just comes, it’s something that you create. In a person’s life if you are waiting on something to change in order to be happy, then you’re not living life. When you adopt a positive attitude, life becomes a rewarding instead of something to get through. If you wish to be happy, you have to be less involved in your own happiness and more involved in the happiness of others. Make others happy and you become happy as a result. Involve yourself totally, throw yourself into what you are doing in life, and happiness will result. If you are compromising, i.e. doing something you hate as a means to an end so that good will result one fine day, STOP! Begin to do more of what you love now and let that grow until it fills your life. Then happiness will be yours, and you will be better able to bring happiness to the world, (Asoka Selvarajah). We look for happiness outside ourselves, thinking that if we and the right job, homes , and the right friends we would be truly happy. All our life we have tried to surround ourselves with people and things that make us feel comfortable. A step in seeking happiness is learning that we first have to learn how negative emotions are not helpful and positive emotions are helpful. †We must also realize that these negative emotions are not only very bad and harmful to one personally, but are also harmful to society and the future of the whole world, (Dalai Lama). The Dalai Lama believes that happiness is a state of mind is the source of happiness must lie within the mind. If our mind is pure and peaceful we shall be happy, regardless of our external changes. Dalai Lama believes that happiness is achieved through compassion and training the mind. To achieve happiness begins with distinguishing between spirituality and religion. To have a spiritual portion in your life, you will appreciate the happiness in your life. My first subject I chose was Jennifer Aldred, She is a close friend and someone that I recently began dating. Jennifer is 33 years old and holds a degree in Computer Science. Jennifer is employed at the Chick-fil-a Corporate Office as an Administrative Communications Assistant. The questions I had presented to Jennifer were as follows: 1. What is your definition of Happiness? 2. Has your definition of happiness changed over time? 3. What experiences have influenced your definition? 4. Do you expect your definition to change again over time? 5. Do you think the happiness of other around you affect your happiness? 1. Happiness is a relative-term that is based off of the levels of serotonin in the body. â€Å"I have a science background; what can I say.† 2. My definition of happiness has only changed slightly over time; more dramatically from childhood into adulthood. As a child, happiness was more about receiving a material gift. Now, as an adult, time is more valuable to me. And, being able to spend time with my peers gives me that same sense of happiness as when I was a child and my parents would give me a new toy. Of course, most of our basic needs such as food, shelter, love and peer bonding have continued to make me happy over time. As we age, the definition of happiness will mature as with our lives. 3. Looking into the past, I associate key events (birthdays, being able to drive for the first time, the birth of my friend’s children, getting married, vacations, etc.) with my happiness. Currently, I am very content with where I am in life so there for each day is filled with an undertone of happiness. Contentment = happiness. 4. I completely expect my definition of happiness to change again. As I progress into different stages of my life, whatever is most valuable to me will become my greatest source of happiness. 5. Yes, the happiness of others directly affects my happiness. My second subject I chose was Kristie Thompson, She is a work associate and is an Executive Assistant and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Kristie is employed at the Chick-fil-a Corporate Office. The questions I had presented to Kristie were as follows: 1. What is your definition of Happiness? 2. Has your definition of happiness changed over time? 3. What experiences have influenced your definition? 4. Do you expect your definition to change again over time? 5. Do you think the happiness of other around you affect your happiness? 1. Happiness is defined as following the path that God has lead out for you and being in His will. Only when you are doing what God has called you to do can you really be happy. It is knowing that I am doing what He created me to do regardless. 2. Happiness has changed as Ive matured, as a kid, happiness was the next big present received or achievement for parents to be proud of you. As an adult, happiness is rarely about you or your achievement. 3. As a Christian, everything is influenced by what I learn in the Bible and my life experiences, whether good or bad, just support that. 4. No, I believe that I’m am pretty set in my ways. I have my family, home and everything that I need. I’m 38 years old and believe I have found I am pretty set in my ways in what I like and don’t like. 5. The happiness of others around me may impact my mood, but not my true happiness. I’m not going let other bring me down. I can say I have brief moments of happiness, for example when my children accomplish something, but don’t overall affect my overall happiness. Richardson, Hugh E. (1984). Tibet Its History. 1st edition 1962. 2nd edition

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Parental Influence On Children Young People Essay

The Parental Influence On Children Young People Essay Though parental liability laws are creating a great deal of controversy, there is little doubt that parents exert a huge influence on children and their behaviour. One research proves that alcoholics were likely to have parents who were alcoholics, while domestic abusers were likely abused themselves as children. Academic and research literature contains a wealth of information tying parental influence to childrens behaviour. In the area of peer influence, for example, Chen et al (2007) note that, in a study among California and Wisconsin high school students, it was found that parental influence on peer affiliation still is significant even as parental involvement in adolescents lives diminishes. But it isnt only growing teens that respond to parental influences. Infants, even very young infants, respond to parental stress and react to it (Molfese et al, 2010). In fact, it has been revealed that parental stress and/or reaction can actually have an impact on vocabulary and cognitive development (Molfese et al, 2010). On the other side weve seen literature extolling the positive benefits of tools such as parental training on the success of children. For example, Sheely-Moore and Bratton (2010) discussed how a family-oriented, strengths-based approach toward working with lower-income African American families helped raise childrens grades while lowering school discipline problems. The authors in this study pointed to the need of positive parental involvement on childrens academic achievement and socio-economic development, though pointed out that parental involvement can be difficult for those who live in poverty (Sheely-Moore and Bratton, 2010). Furthermore, it has been proven that parental influence also has an influence on driving among their teenage offspring (Crawford-Faucker, 2009). According to the National Young Driver Survey (involving 5,665 students in grades 9 through 11) parenting styles had a definite impact on choices the young drivers made (Crawford-Faucker, 2009). The authoritative parenting style combining emotional support with clear rules and monitoring had a definite (and positive) influence on driving-related behaviours and other attitudes among adolescents (Crawford-Faucker, 2009). These teens had a lower crash risk, experienced fewer crashes as passengers and were twice as likely to wear seat belts as a driver (or passenger) then were teens with uninvolved parents (Crawford-Faucker, 2009). Furthermore, this group reported less alcohol use (Crawford-Faucker, 2009). But harsh verbal and physical discipline isnt necessary the way to go, either. McKee et al (2007) studied harsh verbal and physical discipline and child problem behaviours in a sample of 2,582 parents and their fifth and sixth grade children. The findings indicated that the harsh discipline was associated with child behaviour problems, with one dimension of positive parenting parental warmth helping to buffer children from the more detrimental influences of the harsher physical discipline (McKee et al, 2007). In this section that parents have a huge influence on their kids, whether those kids are tiny, helpless infants or defiant teenagers. Children tend to mimic their parents, for better or for worse. Some years ago, the organization Partnership for a Drug-Free America aired a series of advertisements showing a father breaking into his sons room, drug paraphernalia in his hands. Where did you get this? the father thunders. Where did you get this and how do you know about it?I know about it by watching you! the son cries out. I watched you do it! The point of the commercial, of course, is that children will take their cues from their parents. If parents act in a responsible manner and own up to a mistake or problem situation, children will take that same cue. If, however, parents are carelessness and put the blame on other people for their own mistakes, children will do the same things. Discussion The issue we need to address here, however, is that this is not necessarily a black or white scenario. Tyler et al (2000) point out that the parental liability laws, in which parents are charged with the crime committed by their offspring, could end up penalizing the poor. In a poor family, both parents might be working leaving their children to their own devices, simply because they cant afford child care. Furthermore, if a child is delinquent, poor people (at least, in theory) may not be able to afford counselling to find out the problem. Few people want their children to be delinquent (especially lower-income people). But then again, even among poor families, we find out that not all children are delinquent. What is the difference between the well-behaved children of poorer families and those who act out? One word: Parenting. Even if there isnt a male role model in the house, many times, the matriarch of the family takes a strict stance among her offspring, raising Cain if the offspring get into trouble. Furthermore, there are resources for parents of lower income families to find help for their children if there are issues. Though going through governmental red tape can be a hassle to find a counsellor, a community agency or even religious organization official can be of great help in an area such as this. The point here is that there is really no excuse for the parent not to get help if the child acts out.What about if the childs mother is little more than a child herself? If this is a situation of a teenage mother who doesnt know how to parent, the situation changes a little, but not a whole lot. The teen mother still needs to be penalized, and then needs to be mandated to attend parenting classes. Failure to do so is the teen moms choice and if the teen mom doesnt attend classes, this tells the law enforcement officials that her defiance could be passed on to her children. Poverty isnt a good thing and it makes things very difficult, especially as it pertains to the parent-child relationship. But to use that excuse not to charge parents for a childs conduct is passing on responsibility. Such a situation may serve as a wake-up call for not only the child, but the parent who is involved with the childs upbringing. Conclusion Parenting is not an easy job and there is nothing more frustrating than hearing from the school or from the police that ones child is in trouble. Furthermore, there are those who point to the fact that trying to manage an unruly team is tough, and its not the parents responsibility if the teen gets into trouble.But this isnt true. Weve shown, through the literature, that parents have influence on their teenagers, even if their teenagers dont seem to be listening to them. Parents who keep lecturing to their kids about the evils of drugs and alcohol abuse are likely to have kids who grow up disdaining both of those substances. However, if kids see their parents freely addicted in alcohol (or drugs), the kids will ask themselves why not? and go ahead do the same thing. Parental liability laws arent meant to be malicious, nor are they meant to beat up on parents. What they are trying to do is to help parents teach their kids some responsibility. Even parents in poverty stricken families have a choice as to how they raise their kids. If they make the wrong choice, and the kids break laws as a result, the parents need to be held responsible.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gays/Lesbians Essay -- Ethical Issues, Homosexuality

Homosexuality is a hotly debated issue in the United States but there are trends that are showing some normalization of the gay/lesbian lifestyle. The Census 2000, according to Lee Condon (2001), should be remembered as the first gay and lesbian census because the federal head-counters made a first attempt to count gay and lesbian households. When the data was released, it showed that 1.2 million same-sex, unmarried partners had been identified. Single gays and lesbians were left out of this part of the census count, but a study commissioned by the national gay lobby, Human Rights Campaign, estimated that Census 2000 undercounted gay and lesbian couples by a factor of 62 percent (Condon, 2001). Regardless of whether or not Census 2000 represented an accurate profile of the gay and lesbian families or partnerships, what was revealed in Census 2000 is that an â€Å"increasing number of American households are populated by gay or lesbian partners who have children from previous relati onships, adoption, or other procreative efforts† (Condon, 2001). What this data suggests is that there may be a gradual move toward the normalization of gay and lesbian partnerships or families. A 2001 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that more than 76% of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals believe that there is greater acceptance of their sexual orientation by the general public (Wellner, 2001). The survey also revealed that 73% of Americans believe that laws against hate crimes should include crimes against homosexuals and bisexuals, while 76% would support extending discrimination laws in employment to protect diverse sexual orientations. Wellner (2001) noted that support for â€Å"legally sanctioned gay and lesbian marriages appears to be increasin... ... conservative, ultra-right, and essentially fundamentalist Christian sectors in society, rejection of demands for additional protections for gays and lesbians are still imminent (Skover & Testy, 2002). In conclusion, while normalizing strategies have helped gay/lesbians gain some rights; it tends to reduce sexual differences into sexual identities which ignore the complexity of the issue and its intersectionality with social differences and various forms of inequality. Anti-normalization, which characterizes radical sexual resistance, on the other hand, challenges considerations of sexual morality and normalcy as well as is less centered around a politics of identity. Anti-normalization politics could take us beyond the concepts of identity and exclusion by encouraging a future in which new forms of sexual expression, relations and communities are welcomed.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Plagiarism :: Computers Technology Cheating Essays

Plagiarism Plagiarism has been present in society for longer than one might like to think. But what is even more upsetting is the fact that it is a recurring problem in innumerable school systems across the country. By definition, plagiarism is the â€Å"unacknowledged and inappropriate use of ideas and wording of another writer† and can be considered â€Å"a grave violation of academic integrity† ( This may seem slightly harsh, but it is indeed true. However, to put in layman’s terms, an act of fraud or deception is committed when someone plagiarizes, either from a textbook or the internet. And, as with every mistake, consequences arise that affect the individual greatly. The general public conveys plagiarism to be â€Å"the capital intellectual crime† and in addition, is most often used by students and professors whose â€Å"undetected plagiarisms disrupt the system of student and scholarly evaluation† ( Such actions can become the cause of expulsion of a student or the halt of a professor’s career. Because this is a major offense and requires immediate discipline, several American universities have established guides indicating the types of plagiarism that exist. One prime example is California State’s Eagle Guide. Within it, three categories of various plagiarisms are presented with the first titled Turning in Someone Else’s Paper, also known as Type I. Basically, the individual was either too lazy or lacked the confidence in himself to compose the paper. â€Å"This is the worst type of plagiarism because fraud is committed that undermin es the entire educational system. The material was not learned, writing skills did not improve, and the grade is based on deception. All in all, the person’s education is a fraud.† ( cn/plagiarism.htm). Furthermore, Type II is the Internet â€Å"Pastiche† which is a â€Å"literary work composed of various sources† (Macmillan Dictionary, 1984). In this instance, the paper is assembled by the â€Å"writer† out of other texts. Paragraphs are â€Å"grabbed† and are carefully placed to form a final draft. Lastly, Type III is improper paraphrasing. This transpires when an author’s idea(s) are rewritten into other’s words and original sentence structure is used. Type III is the least hostile because it can easily be corrected with few practices.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Are More Violent Than Ever Essay

In our current time today, there have been many issues concerning our behavior in the society. Philosophers for ages have been studying why man behaves so at he is. Still, no singular theory for human behavior has been developed. It is important for a society to be in a peaceful and orderly manner. If societies have citizens with improper behavior then it may lead to chaos in the community. Having orderly manner is one key factor in making up a community. If the balance between these factors is disturbed then it could lead to trouble. One of the alarming issues in our youth today is the growing number of violence in our youth today. One important public health problem that needs to be resolved immediately is youth violence. This problem usually leads to death and fatalities. In a 2003 study, 5,570 young people that were from the ages of 10 to 24 were murdered. An average of 15 young murders is committed each day. Most of the victims were killed from the use of firearms such as guns. 750,000 young people between the ages of 10 to 24 were rushed to hospitals and clinics because of the injuries they have sustained by violence. (â€Å"Youth Violence, Facts Sheet†) There have been many reports of school shooting, youth accessing fire arms, youth violent acts in the community. Most of the teens are expected to be in schools and sadly, school violence today is increasing also. In 2004, a nationwide survey was conducted in high schools. The survey showed that 17% students confirmed they brought a dangerous weapon inside their school premises. Around 6% of the teenagers who were interview that were attending school stated that they intentionally missed a school days because they felt threatened inside their school grounds. The survey also showed that bullying is growing to a serious problem in schools today. In the survey, 30% of students in 6th and 10th grade were said to be a bully, a target of a bully or both. The survey also stated that 33% of the students were said to be involved in a physical fight in their school. The institution that the children should be being educated is now also evident of violence. It is a fact that violence in teenagers are increasing. (â€Å"Youth Violence, Facts Sheet†; Prevention â€Å"National Center for Injury Prevention and Control†; Prevention â€Å"Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States†) There are some factors that cause violence in our teens today. One of which is television and media. Violence on Television happens in most of its programs and 5 times more in cartoons which are viewed by children. Studies have revealed that violence on television and media affects the behavior and attitudes of its viewers, especially the children who watch it. A study shows that a minimum of 8,000 murders and 100,000 other acts of violence on television and media has been witnessed by a child at the age of 12. There is much violence in the media, such as in music, cartoons, wrestling shows or movies, which corrupts the children attuned to it and makes them recognize violence and thus, increases violent behavior. Sadly, children spend most of their time watching television and playing violent video games than studying and being in their classrooms. (Prevention â€Å"Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States†) Another cause of violence in our youth is violence at home. Teenagers who are experience violence in there home, whether it is done to them or to other family members, would also become violent. A young person’s home have a huge effect on him. Violence in homes are caused by multiple factors such as past violent encounters in the violent family member’s home and also by poverty or being in the underclass which causes dysfunctional ties within the family. The poor monitoring of a child in a low parent environment would likely turn that child to violence. The child would practice violent acts outside his home, just following what he observes inside the house. (Mercy J; â€Å"Teen Violence†)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Life of Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ The birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary is said to have happened in a humble stable in Bethlehem, which is of some controversy. There is belief that the Christian Monks miscalculated the actual time and date that Jesus was born. It has been stated that Jesus, born in Bethlehem as told in the Old Testament, could have been born in or near Nazareth in the town of Galilee. With that, some scholars have dated Jesus’ lineage back as far as Adam, the son of God, as well as King David and Abraham from the Old Testament. With the birth of Jesus, nothing else is told about his childhood until he reached the age of twelve. It is said that he found himself lost from his parent during Passover in Jerusalem, when found by his parents; Jesus was in the Temple discussing the Torah with the rabbis. The rabbis were astonished in Jesus’ comprehension of the Torah and the answer he had provided them to their questions. There is little said about Jesus’ climb to manhood, he is about thirty when it is told about his Baptism by John in the Jordan River for his preparation for the Kingdom of God. After the Baptism, Jesus then began to gather his first disciples, having them leave their processions and human attachment to follow him. Jesus taught that the spiritual treasures were far more fulfilling than the material riches of the earth, that prayer to God for help will hem them find what they seek. Jesus’, Or the Messiah as he was called by his disciples, began performing miracles in his travels such as; turning water into wine, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead and the widely know, walking on water. Jesus taught that everything was possible with God and that god was forgiving to those who are willing to repent their sins. In Jesus’ travels he finds himself back to Jerusalem, the place where Jesus knows will bring about his end, but continues. Jesus is then put on trial and Crucified on the hill called Golgotha, also know as the Place of the Skulls. It is at the Crucifixion that Jesus’ disciples became fearful and took to hiding till the word of Jesus’ Resurrection. The resurrection was seen as a victory for Jesus, making his followers believe that he was God sent down into human form to guide them to the Kingdom of God. The Life of Muhammad Muhammad, unlike Jesus, was a prophet that was sent out by Gods angels to spread his word. Mohammad’s mother and father passed away when he was very young and was taken care of by his protective uncle. Muhammad had been noticed by a Christian Monk that identified the marks on his body as that of a prophet. When Muhammad reached the age of twenty three, a woman named Khadijah offered to marry him and became his biggest supporter as he began his teaching of Allah. It is said that angels in human form would come to Muhammad giving him the word of god, which at first, Muhammad was opposed to accepting. The teachings that Muhammad was told to preach publicly, were rejected by the Qurayshites at Ka’bah, and Muhammad was ridiculed and stoned for preaching these beliefs. It is said that after this public preaching, Muhammad and his followers were banished for three years to a desolate place to struggle for their survival. At the age of fifty, also know as his â€Å"Year of Sorrows†, Muhammad lost his beloved wife and protective uncle. With his strongest backers gone, the persecutions increased when he returned to Mecca, thus causing him to accept an invitation to Yathrib to assist in solving their social and political problems. This movement caused the Meccans to feel threatened by Muhammad, causing the Meccans to wage war against Yathrib or al-Medina. After several battles, Muhammad was able to negotiate a truce between the two cities. In 630 ce, Mohammad returned to Mecca, with a following so great that the Meccans did not fight and began to accepted Muhammad as a prophet. Muhammad, using Qur’anic revelations, emphasized that the traditions of Abraham are the religious unities of Jews, Christian and Muslim belief systems. With Mecca reclaimed, Medina was kept as the political and spiritual base of Islam, allowing campaigns to spread the faith to Africa and Persia. The Death of Jesus Christ After the Crucifixion of Jesus, many that followed him became fearful and hid from the Jews, spending that time in hiding mourning instead of continuing Jesus’ preaching’s. His death was thought to be the end of the religion as had happened to numerous other messianic religious cults. With his death, the belief that Jesus was God in human form was crushed till his resurrection from his tomb. The Death of Muhammad Muhammad’s death had little impact on Islamic religion because he was and still is considered just a man. There was no thought that Muhammad was anything more than a man that was a servant to God, helping spread God will to those around him. The humble life that Muhammad led is what allowed the continued strength of the religion, the non discriminatory way about him is was every Muslim strives to be. Muhammad may not have been God, or a Messiah, but the way in which he led his life is still a very important part of how the Muslim religion works. Good Muslins try to live in the footsteps of Muhammad as though he was just man as they are, instead of a God. The Worshipping of Jesus Worshippers of Jesus believed that he was the Messiah and Savior for humanity, even though Jesus himself refused to be considered in that way. Communion, the sharing of bread and wine, and Hymns are just a few way that Jesus has been worshipped. The Mass is a gathering of Christians to, in prayer and preaching, remembering Jesus Christ and all the suffering he did for the good of humanity, and then is praised with music and hymns. The sharing of the bread and wine are for the remembrance of Jesus, the bread a sign of his body and the wine of his blood, the comer is thought to bring Jesus in them. The cross, from which Jesus was crucified from, is the centerpiece of the Christian faith as a reminder that Jesus had sacrificed himself for the good of humanity. The Death of Muhammad Mohammad’s followers would have done anything and everything for him, if Muhammad would have let them. Worshippers of Muhammad were told that worshipping him would discrimination, God would not was his servants to consider themselves as superior to another. It wasn’t till after Muhammad’s death that he was worshipped for the way that he led his life, which true Muslims try to model their own lives. Muslims now face Mecca for their daily prayers on the urging of Muhammad, and remember the trial and tribulations he endured for God. Christianity Today In modern day Christianity, many different views of the bible have formed as well as doctrines. These four doctrines would be; the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and other Catholics, and Restorationists , all having a slightly different version of worship. In some aspects, Christianity has taken on some of the Muslim belief as far as discrimination. The cross is still a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity, and there is now a place for a Christian to confess their sins for forgiveness. Aspects of Christianity have had to do a certain amount of changes to conform away from the skepticism today. Islam Today The Muslim religion today, minus a few setbacks early on, still holds true to the teachings of Muhammad. The changes in the Muslim culture have set on some changes to help those less fortunate, to help increase the right of equality and kindness. The Qur’an is still used as the Muslim scriptures and adhered to as it was when Muhammad taught them. Islam has rejected Christianity as a brothering religion and women are returning to being veiled in public. References all information came from Fisher, M. P. (2005). Living Religions (6th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethical Issues and Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical Issues and Behavior - Essay Example There has been disposal of sewage and waste from the organizations into the rivers due to which, the quality of waters was affected and their consumers’ susceptibility towards diseases like cholera and typhoid was increased manifolds. Provision of clean water to the nation is one of the biggest challenges facing the governments in the contemporary age. This would not have been so had the organizations foreseen the impacts of their activities upon the environment and community as a whole. Besides, organizations all over the world are the prime consumers of the natural resources. Countries need steel, oil, gas and electricity because they are required for the making and functioning of machineries, as well as the products the machines are making. In addition to that, ethics are a major concern for organizations because organizations have a profound effect upon each and every individual of the society. Childhood obesity is much more widespread in many advanced countries of the wor ld in the present age than it ever was in the past. US, UK, Canada, Australia and such other technologically advanced countries are busy looking for ways to control the spread of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity needs to be controlled because it increases the susceptibility of the victims towards various kinds of diseases including high blood pressure, depression, diabetes and heart attack along with causing an overall reduction in the expected life of the victims. A thorough analysis of the causal factors of childhood obesity suggests that the problem originates in organizations in the food industry that are supplying thousands of new varieties of junk foods into the market every year and are thus encouraging the public to consume them at least once, if not more. Junk food production has become the spinal cord of food industry in the contemporary age because they are made from very cheap ingredients and get sold at a price much higher than what was incurred in their production. Again, childhood obesity is primarily an outcome of the food organizations’ selfishness and insensitivity towards the public health. Had food organizations tried to evaluate their activities on the scale of ethics, many children would have been smart and healthy today rather than overweight and obese. In light of these and several other issues, ethical issues are a major concern for the organizations. Ethical behavior in organizations is impacted by individual influences. Influence of individuals that particularly occupy higher positions in the hierarchy of the organization structure and have relatively greater power is profound. In a vast majority of cases, organizations are run primarily by the top managers, that may or may not include the subordinates in the decision making process. Nevertheless, since the ultimate decision is taken by the top manager, it is their behavior that primarily governs the level to which the organization complies with the standards of ethics. Et hical behavior of organizations is also governed, to much an extent, by the level of transparency maintained by the top management. An organization in itself is like a complete state that may have democratic government or dictatorship. If the top management implements the former system, their actions are criticized by the subordinates, so they may not be able to take independent decisions. If the dictatorship prevails,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

International Business Management (Case Analysis) Case Study - 1

International Business Management ( Analysis) - Case Study Example The relationship between the government and businesses are highly connected and interdependent. Democracy is a political system where citizens participate in the governance and decision-making processes either directly or indirectly through their elected representatives. Freedom is the defining characteristic of democracy. In decentralized democracies such as USA and Canada, companies are likely to face different and conflicting laws from province or state to another. Totalitarianism is a political system where citizens seldom if ever, participate in the governance and decision-making process (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2010). An individual or agent monopolizes power and opposition are intolerable. There is suppression of dissenting voices through the total control of media, police, and other state agencies. With the evolution of democracies, classification of countries follows either the rule of law or the rule of man. The rule of man puts the ultimate power in the hands of a single individual. This is the core of totalitarian governments while the rule of law is the hallmark of democratic governments where authority comes from written transparent laws, the constitution. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) includes exclusive rights of ownership to intangible assets such as copyrights, patents, and trademarks. These intellectual properties are very difficult to create but easy to duplicate, making governments enact legislations to protect people who own these assets (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2010). Governments have created transitional institutions focusing on controlling piracy. They have also criminalized piracy. The frequency and drive for software piracy focus on the key issues such as the accepted legitimacy of piracy, a dream too tall to achieve legally. The degree and standards of software piracy differ greatly from region to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Proposal Assignment ( University Safety System ) Essay

Proposal Assignment ( University Safety System ) - Essay Example Even though keeping student and occupants of Texas Wesleyan University require the effort of the whole community in general, the university is an important piece of the undertaking to keep staff and the students safe. Safe institutions are purposeful and orderly places in which staff and students are free to teach and learn without the threat of psychological and physical harm. The safety systems in Texas Wesleyan University are weak thus Weak safety systems in this institution interfere with learning process. Strengthening safety system supports a proper learning environment that enables achievement of learning goals. Moreover, Weak safety systems reduce effective learning hours of every student. This has an impact on the grades and general life development. Improving safety systems will enhance their quality of education and life. It is therefore important to create a safety system for camps and the other utilities in Texas Wesleyan University Analysis of Texas Wesleyan University safety system shows certain safety loopholes that require an action plan. As Blake (2 May 2014) states through an interview, Texas Wesleyan University do not have a perimeter wall to enhance physical safety, no surveillance cameras within the older dormitories and the students do not use access cards at the gates and the classes to gain access. Other problems he stated are drunk driving and the few call boxes which are necessary to enhance emergency action system. Increasing student population increases demand for safety systems. Unsafe learning environments will affect learning process. Old technology cannot beat with faster changing demands and different student needs. People play a vital role in any safety program. This is because they provide guidelines with respect to safety policies, staffing, training and procedures. Texas Wesleyan University must come up with a clear safety policy. University safety policy is the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Digital Journalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Digital Journalism - Assignment Example Many years ago before the development of radios, televisions, newspapers or cellphones, people used the traditional methods of communication. These methods were nevertheless inefficient and many people didn’t receive the information. Years on, technology was advanced and newspapers and the use of telegrams were established. After that, technology continued to advance until the present day, where technology has grown and advanced further making it possible for many people get information anywhere and everywhere (Pavlik, 2008). Technology can therefore be referred to as a driver that has changed journalism for the past two decades and continues to transform it. The development of journalism attempts to deal with dynamic growth of developing and developed nations. Digital technology has designed journalism in many different ways. Many countries have developed new forms of media technologies like radio and televisions, which has been possible because of development of cables television, as well as high definition and digital television (Pavlik, 2008). Another significant development was the rise of internet and the World Wide Web that has created access to any information, radically raising technology for the past decades. This new form of digital journalism has brought the global market close together and it has given people the platform to get access to information. The developments of mobile phones and handsets have been among the most significant developments in journalism. This is because they have widened the access of information and news to people all over the world. The most significant development of journalism is the quick access to internet; this has been possible due to its availability and the low cost.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Families in Lebanon Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Families in Lebanon - Case Study Example There are three characters involved in this series and involves a mother, father and their son. The son is the protagonist and cuts the figure of an audacious yet respectful child. He is also technologically savvy and sounds educated. The mother is a housewife and can be described as strict and keen to neatness. She is relatively open-minded as regarding religion rules, and this is seen when she intervenes for his son during an argument between her husband and son concerning the issue of a girlfriend. The father, on the other hand, is portrayed as a strict and conservative parent. He is the head and provider of the family. In the discussion, the major areas of interest will be on the characteristics and the structure of the family (Arab) in Lebanon as depicted in the videos outlined earlier. The study will also focus on the responsibilities of each member of the family as necessitated by the society and in part, religion. A little more focus on the protagonist (the son) will also giv e a clearer picture of the youthful stage of the children and how their parents influence their way of life. The style of communication in Lebanese families is also worth a mention and thus the study will also touch on the topic. The discussion, however, starts with an overview of Lebanon in regard to its demographic, cultural and social background. There has not been ample survey to determine the actual population size of Lebanon in the recent years; the most recent census was held in 1932 (Rolland 65). However, sample studies conducted by The National Survey of Household Living Conditions in 2004-2005, estimated the population at 4.2 million people. The country’s ethnic make-up consists of about 95 percent Arabs (Lebanese) and with the rest of the population largely made up of the Armenians (Mahdi 117).  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay Example for Free

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay The colonial and Revolutionary eras in America are not so chronologically distant, yet they are two very different times for America. These two eras are very important parts of America’s history. The transformation of colonial America to Revolutionary America is quick but drastic. To be a colonial American would mean solely relying on God. An American at that time would center their whole life around God. They believed they did not personally own anything. For example, in Anne Bradstreet’s poem â€Å"Upon a Burning House†, Anne implied that it was wrong to feel sorry for the loss of your house or family, because the Puritan belief was that everything is owned by God. Anne considered herself lucky because she was left with the most important thing of all; her life (Chin 78). Anne Bradstreet most captured my attention with her writing style and her pure love of God. Puritans believed that â€Å"if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf† (Chin 103). It was easy for the British to keep people of the Puritan lifestyle under its crown because of their religious beliefs (Kiracofe) The Revolutionary era is when the colonists began to become more opinionated. The start of the Revolutionary era was when the British began taxing sugar. The sugar act lead to a boycott of buying all British imports. The Boycott put the British in great debt and was eventually repealed. At that point, the colonists discovered that they do have a say in their government. The people of America began relying on logistics and facts instead of their faith. This lead to the Revolutionary war, also called the War of Independence (Higginbotham). More and more people began speaking their mind, such as Phillis Wheatley, an African American who writes a Revolutionary piece of art, praising George Washington for fighting and leading in the Revolutionary war. The colonists began to become more and more individualized from the British. The whispers of rebellion turned into shouts after the Stamp Act. The farmers and merchants of America quickly transformed from strongly religious and peaceful men, into soldiers of the Revolutionary war. Colonial and Revolutionary Americans are two very different groups of people. The colonists were Puritans which means they were highly religiously dependent. Although the Revolutionary Americans did believe that there was a God and that he was on their side, they took their own initiative and fought for their freedom from Britain’s crown. If it were not for Revolutionary thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and the men who fought for this country, America would still be under the British laws and taxation. We would not have the rights and freedoms we have today. The Revolutionary war has made America for what it is today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Importance of Employer Branding Concepts

Importance of Employer Branding Concepts Terms of references This report highlights the rising awareness for the development of Employer Branding concept and its benefits for the organisations in present competitive labour market. The conflict between effective employer branding and employees rights and satisfaction toward organization has been examined in this report with specific focus on the unethical and controlling effect. Introduction Employer branding is the perception of employees about an organization as a place to work. Its designed for motivating and securing employees alignment with the vision and values of the organizations. From the HR perspective the concept was subsumed the older term INTERNAL BRANDING that was essentially the process of communicating an organizations brand value to its employee. Employer branding The concept of EMPLOYER BRANDING was created in the 1990s by Simon Barrow, who founded People in Business (now part of TMP Worldwide) and was the co-author of The Employer Brand. 1 In the past, Barrow had been a consumer goods brand manager and headed up an advertising agency in London, but later became the chief executive of a recruitment agency. He was immediately struck by the similarities between the challenges faced in promoting consumer goods and in publicising the strengths of an organisations employee proposition. Both, he recognised, required a strong brand, and so the concept of employer branding was conceived. Barrow defined the employer brand as the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment and identified with the employing company. Sullivan (2004) defines employer branding as a targeted, long-term strategy to manage the awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees, and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm. Ambler and Barrow (1996) define employer brand in terms of the benefits it conveys on employees. In other words, the employer brand represents the array of economic, functional and psychological benefits that an employee might receive because of joining an organization. Just as product brands convey an image to customers, an employer brand conveys an organizational image to potential and current employees. In that regard, the employer brand presents a value proposition about what people might receive as a result of working for a particular employer (Backhaus and Tikoo, 2004). These definitions indicate that emp loyer branding means promoting and building an identity and a clear view of what makes an organization different and desirable as an employer. It has similarities with product and corporate branding but the key difference is its more employment specific. Recruitment and employer branding Developing an employer brand is a combination of adopting vision, values, and behaviours, and delivering a service that shows commitment to best practice and service excellence. It begins with the recruitment process that offers number of tools that can be used to create perceptions of an employing organization, these tools are: 1. Job advertisement and description 2. Interview process 3. Offer letters 4. Information pack for new recruiters 5. Employee handbooks 6. Induction and training. The recruitment process is an important way to build a positive relationship between the organization and employee. Throughout the procedure, the organization can create a strong and positive view about them; even it can be extended to unsuccessful candidates as well. When employees have accepted the sincerity and accuracy of the employer brand, they will carry it forward, actively promoting the brand to colleagues and customers. However, employer branding which is basically untruthful will not work and is likely to be counter-productive. Benefits of Employer Branding Long-term impact: Successful employer brand can have positive impacts on recruiting for at least five years baring any major PR issues surrounding the company. Increased volume of spontaneous candidates: The number of applicants will increase each year. In some cases, applications will increase by 500%. Higher quality candidates: Not only the quantity but the quality of candidates will improve dramatically, individuals who never would have considered in the past will start applying. Higher offer-acceptance rates: As employment image becomes better known and more powerful, firms offer acceptance rates will improve dramatically. Increased employee motivation: Employee motivation will be easier to maintain because of employees increased pride in the firm and the better management practices that are required to maintain an employer-of-choice status. A stronger corporate culture: Because one of the goals of employment branding is to develop a consistent message about what its like to work and what it feel to be a part of the organization, employment branding can help strengthen firms corporate culture. Decreased corporate negatives: Effective branding programs identify and counter negative comments about the organisation. Increased manager satisfaction: The resulting higher quality of candidates and higher offer-acceptance rate means that hiring managers will have to devote less time to interviews, and they will be more satisfied with the recruiting function. A competitive advantage: Because employment branding efforts include extensive metrics and side-by-side comparisons with talent competitors, firms can ensure that their talent-management approaches are differentiated and continually superior. Increased shareholder value: The effective and improved employer image can positively impact a firms stock price. Support for the product brand: An employment brand can support the corporate brand and related product brands because many consumers mentally make the link between attracting quality employees and producing a quality product. The brand essence should summarize what the brand stands for, becoming the nucleus for product development, all communications and even HR initiatives for employees. Its definition should also be consistent with the corporate vision/mission and values. For example, Volvo is a good example of a brand description is Volvo Style, driving pleasure and superior ownership experience while celebrating human values and respecting the environment. Volvos values and associations reflecting this brand identity are what are considered to be typically Scandinavian e.g. nature, security and health, human values, elegant simplicity, creative engineering and the spirit of stylish/innovative functionality. For Volvo, this description not only mirrors the psycho-graphic profile of the ideal customer for their cars, but also summarizes what Volvo as a company means to all its workers its employer brand. These are intrinsic values that Volvo workers can relate to, what they believe in and why they feel comfortable making a commitment to their jobs. One can easily visualize the types of HR programs that would inspire a sense of pride and re-enforce these intangibles e.g. nature, health, security and other meaningful human values. Living the brand LIVING THE BRAND is identifying with an organizations brand value to such an extent that employees behaviours fit exactly to the image that the business is trying to portray to its customers (Alan Price 2007). The alignment between employees behaviour and value of organizations brand image is very important. It is suggested that organisations need to ensure that there is no gap between what the organisation is saying in the outside world and what people believe inside the business. The employees should be perceived as Brand ambassador and brand marketing would only be successful if they LIVE THE BRAND. From this perspective: 1. Organizations have encouraged employees to buy in to the business vision and values. 2. They have to ensure that everyone in the organization clearly understand the purpose of the common set of values. According to Ind (2004), the themes discussed are likely to be of interest to HR and marketing practitioners as well as those involved in internal communications within organisations. Employees themselves are expected to internalise features and aspects of the organisations brand to ensure that they become brand champions, thus helping to represent to organisations brand to the outside customers. Such an approach immediately raises some interesting problems relating to equality and diversity as it expects each employee to share a particular set of values and act in accordance with these values. The employee branding approach being recommended by Ind raises a number of challenges for those interested in an equality and diversity agenda. An organisation that aims to ensure that empl oyees are living the brand will specifically aim to attract and recruit employees who already share the values of the corporate brand. Furthermore, those already employed within the organisation will be encouraged to internalise the values of the organisation. Clearly, there are problems for encouraging diversity here, with one of the principles of diversity management being an acceptance and recognition that people are different and individual differences (especially of values) should be welcomed. Inherently, a living the brand focus is likely to go against such a principle. Ind makes the point that encouraging employee identification and commitment to the organisations brand values might deny an expression of individuality. However, Ind suggests that internal branding combined with allowing employees to be empowered will enable freedom with order. Denial of individuality (dress code policy) When it comes to professional image, many employers are realising that Standards of dress and personal presentation are essential thus having a policy on dress code can be important. Where the employees meet customers, they act as the shop window for the company and the benefits of presentable appearance are obvious. However, even where the employees work is internal, there are less tangible benefits such as: Creating a team atmosphere, Engendering standards of professionalism, and Creating a corporate image. As employers are realising this, they are paying more attention to the appearance of their employees and the image and perception of the business dress, grooming and personal hygiene are all part and parcel of this. However, the issue of work place dress codes can be highly controversial. It is vital that employers are aware of the discrimination issues that dress codes can create. Issues with work place dress codes In organisations with uniforms, the issues can be more wide ranging. For instance, at the Greater Manchester Police Force, bureaucracy and unwillingness to accept change has hampered the introduction of hijabs for Muslim women. At Inchcape Fleet Solutions where all 140 non-senior staffs are provided with polo shirts or blouses branded with the company logo the style of the uniform does not suit all staff and most do not like wearing it. This would affect their moods at work and consequently affect their performance. Complaints of discrimination Furthermore, a complaint was raised informally by the staff forum of child trust fund provider Family Investments and relates to the fact that women can wear trousers that are not full length, while men cannot. Employees have requested that the company allows shorts to be worn, as long as they are below the knee Also, in September 2006, a British Airways worker has been suspended and attended an appeal over wearing a cross at work at Heathrow Airport. She claims the suspension is discriminatory, especially since the airline allows Sikh employees to wear traditional iron bangles and Muslim workers to wear headscarves.BA has said it will review its uniform policy in light of the media storm the story has provoked. Employer branding and discrimination law There are three areas of discrimination relevant to dress code policy: 1. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 2. Religious or Belief Regulations 2003 3. Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Sex discrimination and dress codes There is the obvious potential for sex discrimination in any dress code, which sets different requirements for men and women. Past claims have challenged policies that: women must wear skirts men should not have long hair Men must wear a collar and tie. The case of Matthew Thompson who objected to the dress code imposed by the Department for Work Pensions at his place of work, a job centre in Stockport, can also be a good example. Mr Thompson claimed that the dress code discriminated against male employees as they were forced to wear a collar and tie whereas female employees could wear T-shirts to work. The Employment Tribunal found in favour of Mr Thompson stating that the dress code was discriminatory as the requirement to wear a collar and tie was gender based and there were no items of clothing that were imposed on women in the same office. From the Thompson case, it became clear that employers should be careful in the way that they draft their dress codes. Employers are not prevented from imposing dress codes that require employees to wear specified items of clothing as long as the code is drafted in such a way as to be even-handed between men and women. For example, jobs in the City, the current convention is for both men and women to wear suits. The convention is that a man should wear a tie with a suit but the same does not apply to a woman. A dress code requiring a smart suit could apply to both sexes but be enforced in a non-discriminatory manner appropriate for each sex. Religion/belief discrimination and dress codes A dress code that requires employees to act in a way contrary to their religious beliefs, risks being indirectly discriminatory. Thus, a dress code forbidding headgear will be discriminatory to male Sikhs, who must wear a turban. The best way to avoid these problems is to be as non-specific as possible. A widely worded dress code requiring smart appearance, with non-binding examples of suitable dress, cannot fall foul of specific clothing-related beliefs. To cross-check your dress code against the main religions clothing beliefs, refer to Acas Guide on Religion and Belief which has a useful chart at Appendix 2 (pages 40-50). It may be possible for employers to objectively justify a dress code contrary to any of these beliefs, if it can be done so objectively. For example, employees at a chocolate factory were successfully prohibited from having beards for health and safety reasons. However, employers should be very wary of relying on objective justification as the courts are reluc tant to accept it. There may be a question mark in some cases whether a persons views are beliefs. According to Acas, Rastafarianism (which requires the wearing of a hat) is a belief system. Certain political beliefs or powerful sentiments such as patriotism (the wearing of an American flag badge) may or may not be regarded as beliefs. Employers should respect beliefs that are strongly held whether or not they are religious in nature. Disability discrimination and dress codes Disabled employees may not be able to comply with a dress code, for example, an employee with a neck injury unable to wear a tie. However, by and large, this need not affect the way the code is drafted; instead, employers should be sensitive in the enforcement of the dress code. In summary, employers should be quite a bit flexible when writing a policy on employee dress or appearance. Reasonable flexibility and sensitivity to the employees racial differences should be allowed in the dress code to make employees comfortable and any conflict and law suits, while meeting the Trust standard of Dress code. This view is echoed by organisations such as Broker Network, which believes that employees should be able to make their own judgments on what is best to wear. Many companies are now turning their backs on the concept of dress-down Fridays, opting instead to ditch smart business-wear every day of the week. A survey of 560 organisations has found that four out of five employers believe a more relaxed dress code leads to greater productivity. Nine out of 10 organisations that replied to the poll by the Peninsula employment law consultancy had declared ties an unnecessary part of their dress code. Conclusion The issues discussed above create a challenge for HR professionals involved in employee focused branding projects, especially those where employees are expected to share a specific set of values. That is that such initiatives will undoubtedly create a tension and potentially conflict with principles underlying an equality and diversity agenda. Inds suggestion that inside-out branding allows freedom and order remains unconvincing even when the employees are involved in constructing the brand values. An organisation that dictates a set of values for employees to internalise is still a homogenising force. Organisations that genuinely take diversity programmes seriously will have to tackle this tension. One possible way out of this conundrum is to include equality and diversity awareness as a key value included in the internal brand proposition. Recommendations Any guidelines should be carefully drafted, and employers are advised to treat any requests to dress contrary to the company code for religious or racial reasons with respect. Employers should consult the employee in question and discuss how to accommodate reasonable requests, and try to find a favourable solution. A tribunal will be more likely to be sympathetic to the employer where a policy is required for health and safety purposes, rather than simply to maintain a corporate image. Decide what restrictions on employees appearance are necessary and why. For example, teachers are expected to wear sensible footwear, suitable for the activities their job involves. Restrictions should not be excessive or unreasonable, for instance insisting on suits or ties in the office when employees are not customer-facing. Set out the guidelines clearly, and include the rationale behind any restrictions. Explain why restrictions may be placed on some employees but not others (for example, no body piercing for those operating heavy machinery for health and safety purposes, and those working within a cafà © of a supermarket may have stricter codes enforced on them than those who work in the same store, but dont come into direct contact with food). Give employees notice of when the policy will come into force. Allow employees a grace period before disciplining for non-compliance. Explain what will happen if employees are found to be in persistent breach of the policy (disciplinary action and, potentially, dismissal). Give the name of an individual that employees can talk to if they feel they cannot comply with the policy. Current legislation on issues that could lead to discrimination should be reviewed from time to time, and staff handbook should be read by employment lawyers to ensure compliance. Guidelines should also be updated to accommodate the legislation. Base the policy on business-related reasons. Explain your reasons in the policy so employees understand the rationale behind the restrictions. Common business-related reasons include maintaining the organizations public image, promoting a productive work environment, or complying with health and safety standards. Require employees to have an appropriate, well-gro omed appearance. Even casual dress policies should specify what clothing is inappropriate (such as sweat suits, shorts, and jeans) and any special requirements for employees who deal with the public. Communicate the policy. Use employee handbooks or memos to alert employees to the new policy, any revisions, and the penalties for noncompliance. In addition, explain the policy to job candidates. Apply the dress code policy uniformly to all employees. This can prevent claims that the policy adversely affects women or minorities. However, you may have to make exceptions if required by law. (See next suggestion.) Make reasonable accommodation when the situation requires an exception. Be prepared to accommodate requests for religious practices and disabilities, such as head coverings and facial hair. Apply consistent discipline for dress code violations. When disciplining violators, point out why their attire does not comply with the code and what they can do to comply REFERENCES: Edwards, M. R. (2008) Employees as a Focus of Branding Activities: A Review of Recent Contributions to the Literature and the Implications for Workplace Diversity, Equal opportunities international. Vol 27(5) pp. 447-481 [online] Available from: [Accessed 1 April 2009] Carrington, L (2007) EMPLOYER BRANDING [Online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Wolff, C. (2007) EMPLOYERS USE DRESS CODES TO ENHANCE CORPORATE IMAGE, IRS. Issue 878. Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Downes, J. (2007) POLICY CLINIC: DRESS CODES, [online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Millar, M (2006) EMPLOYERS RELAXING WORK DRESS CODE CAN HELP IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY, [online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Dr. Sullivan, J (2008) EMPLOYMENT BRANDING: THE ONLY LONG-TERM RECRUITING STRATEGY, [online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Stephen Morrall, S Urquhart, C (2003) SEX DISCRIMINATION ARE DRESS CODES DISCRIMINATORY? [online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009] Gronlund, J K (2008) HOW EMPLOYER BRANDINGCAN FOSTER TRUSTS AND LOYALTY? [Online] Available from: [Accessed 26 March 2009]